"Sometimes I would like to ask God why He allows poverty, famine and injustice in the world when He could do something about it...... but I am afraid He might ask me the same question." ~Anonymous
I don't remember where I saw this quote,
I think someone on fb posted it. But I love it! And it explains why so many
of us do the things we do for the orphans we met this summer. Below are NEW pictures of N&K taken by a good friend who recently got back from bringing her own son home.
They look so much older in just a few short months and Ns hair is starting to grow out. I'm told they are doing well since going back to the orphanage and that N seems to have a little more confidence. I hear that they smile real big as they use their English words and are told that they have many American friends praying for them.
As I write this, it is snowing big beautiful flakes outside! It doesn't happen that often here in NC and my kids are so excited, even I am. My thoughts drift to N&K and how this is a common sight in their part of the world. They would probably not be in awe of it like we are here. Then I think of all the things that got them excited this summer... McDonalds, pancakes, star wars figures, pets, fishing, and HUGS!
So what has been happening to make these things a permanent part of their life you ask? Here is an update:
The Wells family is hoping to go get their sweet children sometime in May which is just a few months away. Kelly says it is just like
being pregnant. The months of preparing and anticipation of the big day is the same. Exciting and a little scary all at once! Their Home Study has been turned in and they are trying to learn a new phrase in Russian each day. The phrase they were working on one day last week was "good morning". It will be an adventure but as my friends would say... "God's got this!"
They have raised a whooping $30,000 and they want to make a great big shout out to ALL who made this possible! They are reminded that God is so good and are amazed at the support they receive from people they may have only met once. They can say they are half way there which is a huge accomplishment. Thank you again for all your support!
I also want to share with you what this wonderful woman is doing to help N&K come home....
Hello Savvy Chicks!
Thanks to all of you, Be Savvy Chic has been able to donate $226 to
date to the N&K adoption via
Redline United (link is below).
Keep in mind that we only became profitable as of Dec 29, so we have
been able to donated this amount in under 6 weeks. We can really help
make a difference in the lives of these children and many more children
to come!
Think of it this way. What is your annual clothing
budget? What if 10% of every item of clothing you bought went to help an
orphan come home to their forever family? For some of you that's a lot
of money! For others of you, it's not a huge amount. But for ALL of you
together...it's definitely a significant sum! That's where Be Savvy Chic
comes in...10% of all profits will ALWAYS be donated to Redline United
to help unite orphans with their forever families. You are each part of
something bigger than yourself, and for that I thank you!
out these blog links to view our new spring collections. Then, get your
girlfriends together for a Shop-n-Sip. Come shop and get your friends'
help with your fashion! Just let me know when!
Hope you all enjoy the rest of winter, and are looking forward to spring!
Tracy Birdwhistell
Be on the lookout for other ways (coming soon) to help N&K come home!
Some plans are being made for the following...
* Rodan and Fields virtual fund raiser - March
* Silent auction/play (Kelly's kids want to write and have a play; they will sell tickets and refreshments and have the silent auction items for sale) - April
* Yard sales - Early April
And of course, you can always donate to the adoption directly:
I leave you with one last look of the precious children waiting to come home...