Saturday, April 6, 2013

N&K sighting!

They have been spotted... 

I have just returned from the Ukraine and I got to see N&K!  It was a blessing because when I first arrived I was told that the kids would not be at the orphanage over their break.  They were at their grandmothers house.  It broke my heart.  But they came back towards the end of the week. They looked great! I only saw K for about 30 minutes and I wish I had given him more hugs.  But I saw N over the next two days and was able to take her to dinner one night. I hated seeing her in that environment, I wanted to pack her up in my suitcase and bring her home. Several of the team members commented that she did not look like an orphan. She was very clean and smelled good. She must be taking good care of herself :) She seemed even more open with me than when we hosted her.  She wanted to know what crafts we were doing each morning when I saw her and she tried to remember all her English. I gave her Kelly's gifts and she was all smiles.

The Wells are planning on bringing the kids home this summer.  Please join us in praying for their mom and grandparents and that God will prepare their hearts for them to be adopted and they will consider it a blessing for N&K.

Check out some other pictures of N.  Unfortunately, I only got the one picture of K.  Wish I had known that I would only have that little amount of time with him.

Kelly is planning on having a yard sale on April 20th.  Please consider donating items or coming by to shop!  Time and location will be coming soon.  Don't hesitate to get in touch with Kelly or me if you would like more information.

And of course, you can always donate to the adoption directly:Follow this link and specify "N&K Adoption" when you enter your payment info. Thank you for helping our angels!

I also got a couple precious videos of N playing:

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Half way there!

"Sometimes I would like to ask God why He allows poverty, famine and injustice in the world when He could do something about it...... but I am afraid He might ask me the same question." ~Anonymous

I don't remember where I saw this quote, I think someone on fb posted it.  But I love it!  And it explains why so many of us do the things we do for the orphans we met this summer.   Below are NEW pictures of N&K taken by a good friend who recently got back from bringing her own son home.  

They look so much older in just a few short months and Ns hair is starting to grow out.  I'm told they are doing well since going back to the orphanage and that N seems to have a little more confidence.  I hear that they smile real big as they use their English words and are told that they have many American friends praying for them.

As I write this, it is snowing big beautiful flakes outside!  It doesn't happen that often here in NC and my kids are so excited, even I am.  My thoughts drift to N&K and how this is a common sight in their part of the world.  They would probably not be in awe of it like we are here.  Then I think of all the things that got them excited this summer...  McDonalds, pancakes, star wars figures, pets, fishing, and HUGS!  

So what has been happening to make these things a permanent part of their life you ask?  Here is an update:

The Wells family is hoping to go get their sweet children sometime in May which is just a few months away.  Kelly says it is just like being pregnant.  The months of preparing and anticipation of the big day is the same.  Exciting and a little scary all at once!  Their Home Study has been turned in and they are trying to learn a new phrase in Russian each day.  The phrase they were working on one day last week was "good morning".  It will be an adventure but as my friends would say...  "God's got this!"

They have raised a whooping $30,000 and they want to make a great big shout out to ALL who made this possible!  They are reminded that God is so good and are amazed at the support they receive from people they may have only met once.  They can say they are half way there which is a huge accomplishment.  Thank you again for all your support!  

I also want to share with you what this wonderful woman is doing to help N&K come home....

Hello Savvy Chicks!

Thanks to all of you, Be Savvy Chic has been able to donate $226 to date to the N&K adoption via Redline United (link is below). Keep in mind that we only became profitable as of Dec 29, so we have been able to donated this amount in under 6 weeks. We can really help make a difference in the lives of these children and many more children to come!

Think of it this way. What is your annual clothing budget? What if 10% of every item of clothing you bought went to help an orphan come home to their forever family? For some of you that's a lot of money! For others of you, it's not a huge amount. But for ALL of you's definitely a significant sum! That's where Be Savvy Chic comes in...10% of all profits will ALWAYS be donated to Redline United to help unite orphans with their forever families. You are each part of something bigger than yourself, and for that I thank you!

Check out these blog links to view our new spring collections. Then, get your girlfriends together for a Shop-n-Sip. Come shop and get your friends' help with your fashion! Just let me know when!

Hope you all enjoy the rest of winter, and are looking forward to spring!

Tracy Birdwhistell

Be on the lookout for other ways (coming soon) to help N&K come home!  

Some plans are being made for the following...

* Rodan and Fields virtual fund raiser - March

* Silent auction/play (Kelly's kids want to write and have a play; they will sell tickets and refreshments and have the silent auction items for sale) - April

*  Yard sales - Early April

And of course, you can always donate to the adoption directly:
Follow this link and specify "N&K Adoption" when you enter your payment info. Thank you for helping our angels!

I leave you with one last look of the precious children waiting to come home...


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Christmas Giving Opportunity

For most Americans, Christmas is a season of extravagant giving.  It is also a season when many of us look for worthy causes to support.  This season, I want to highlight a special need that you could help fill - so here goes...
The statistics for Ukrainian orphans after they leave the orphanage is not good and will break your heart.  Kids leave the orphanage at the age of 16 with little education and 70% of boys end up in prison, 60% of girls in prostitution, and 10% are suicide victims before reaching the age of 18 (stats compiled by UNICEF).  If you have kids, imagine your own kids going into this broken world all on their own at that age.

We have learned that N&K are siblings that were dropped off at the orphanage by their mother.  They had lost their father, been through a fire, and have no other family that can care for them.  They are just beautiful inside and out.  K is an energetic smart boy who just lights up when you give him some attention or when he is experiencing something new.  N has such spunk that you can't help but love her whether she is enjoying working on some crafts or going after slimy fish.  

They spent three weeks in the United States this summer experiencing all kinds of things they do not have access to at their orphanage including English lessons, horseback riding, swimming, and being part of a family. To see more pictures of their time in the hosting program, check out the Redline United link at the top right side of this page ('Pictures and Videos' and 'Thoughts and updates' pages).  

So, we want to help change those statistics for N&K.  I'm so happy to share with you the loving family who has followed God's calling to make a difference in their lives.  And they live right here in Cary!  

Over the last couple of years, the Wells family has been preparing their home for foster children, going through the paperwork, preparing their own children (Cory age 9 and Jocelyn age 7 and two adult daughters) for this addition to their family, and even creating a 'welcome' sign for the new children.  What Kelly learned was that God was preparing them for a slightly different path.  Through many prayers and a lot of different connections, they came to spend time with N&K on the night before they were leaving to go back to the Ukraine.  Kelly instantly felt a connection with sweet N and enjoyed talking about their love of animals and the funny places cats like to sleep - the bathroom sink!


The Wells family has started this process to bring N&K home.  The price tag for this adoption is an intimidating $55,000.  Kelly works at the state DOT and her husband Archie is retired from the DOT.  They have some money to put towards this adoption and also have a little bank on their kitchen table to save all the extra pennies and change laying around.  For one household, this is a very big sum.  But divided among many, it can certainly be done!

It is my hope that through generous support, we can help the Wells make a significant dent in the total amount this Christmas season.  What a privilege for us to help the Wells family show N&K that they are worth so much more than the amount of money that it will take to them home.

In Matthew 25:40, Jesus says, "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."

So, how can I help you say?  There are a couple ways... 

If you feel compelled to make a tax-deductible contribution, simply contact me through this blog and I will give you all the information you need.  If you prefer, mail a check directly to:

Redline United
PO Box 31045
Raleigh, NC 27622-1045
(Checks made payable to Redline United with "N&K Adoption" in the memo line)

Also, a Credit Card donation can be done at the Redline United link on the top right hand side of this page.  After entering payment info, as you review the payment, click on "add special instructions" and specify "N&K adoption". 

A second way to help is to buy some beautifully painted Christmas gift bags made from other previous orphans from the same region.  It is so wonderful to see how much these kids LOVE to help others.  There is a set of girls from the Ukraine who have been spending long hours painting for this cause.  Recently, the Cline boys got in on the action as well.  Their 6 year old also wanted to donate the two five-dollar bills he received for his birthday!  What a huge blessing for these kids to understand the joy of helping others.  They have raised over $400 and that is not even the latest tally.

The Cline family, Wells family, or myself (Tiffany Davis) can get these bags to you.  A set of 5 gift bags is $20.  100% of the proceeds go to the adoption.

A Very Sincere Thanks to your consideration of this worthy cause! 

One last thing...  N&K will be getting more than a loving family, these two kittens are anxiously awaiting their arrival as well! N is going to just love them.

Monday, November 19, 2012

31 Party - Adoption Fundraiser

Want to get a head start on your Christmas shopping? What if you could also help provide a loving home to two abandoned children? Join us on December 1 and you could do both. Together, we can honor Jesus’ birthday by helping the “least of these.”

31 is company selling tote bags, luggage, purses, etc.  Really nice things and ALL commission will be donated to the adoption fund!

Saturday, December 1, 2012
316 Montibello Drive, Cary

See you there!

Precious Children

I couldn't create a blog and not include favorite photos/video from the summer hosting program.  I think their personality just shines through!

N is not your average girl.  I love that she is reaching for that slimy fish with no hesitation.  Yet she insists on looking fabulous at the same time as she fishes in her red velour dress!

K - what a sweetheart!  This video says it all...