Sunday, December 2, 2012

Christmas Giving Opportunity

For most Americans, Christmas is a season of extravagant giving.  It is also a season when many of us look for worthy causes to support.  This season, I want to highlight a special need that you could help fill - so here goes...
The statistics for Ukrainian orphans after they leave the orphanage is not good and will break your heart.  Kids leave the orphanage at the age of 16 with little education and 70% of boys end up in prison, 60% of girls in prostitution, and 10% are suicide victims before reaching the age of 18 (stats compiled by UNICEF).  If you have kids, imagine your own kids going into this broken world all on their own at that age.

We have learned that N&K are siblings that were dropped off at the orphanage by their mother.  They had lost their father, been through a fire, and have no other family that can care for them.  They are just beautiful inside and out.  K is an energetic smart boy who just lights up when you give him some attention or when he is experiencing something new.  N has such spunk that you can't help but love her whether she is enjoying working on some crafts or going after slimy fish.  

They spent three weeks in the United States this summer experiencing all kinds of things they do not have access to at their orphanage including English lessons, horseback riding, swimming, and being part of a family. To see more pictures of their time in the hosting program, check out the Redline United link at the top right side of this page ('Pictures and Videos' and 'Thoughts and updates' pages).  

So, we want to help change those statistics for N&K.  I'm so happy to share with you the loving family who has followed God's calling to make a difference in their lives.  And they live right here in Cary!  

Over the last couple of years, the Wells family has been preparing their home for foster children, going through the paperwork, preparing their own children (Cory age 9 and Jocelyn age 7 and two adult daughters) for this addition to their family, and even creating a 'welcome' sign for the new children.  What Kelly learned was that God was preparing them for a slightly different path.  Through many prayers and a lot of different connections, they came to spend time with N&K on the night before they were leaving to go back to the Ukraine.  Kelly instantly felt a connection with sweet N and enjoyed talking about their love of animals and the funny places cats like to sleep - the bathroom sink!


The Wells family has started this process to bring N&K home.  The price tag for this adoption is an intimidating $55,000.  Kelly works at the state DOT and her husband Archie is retired from the DOT.  They have some money to put towards this adoption and also have a little bank on their kitchen table to save all the extra pennies and change laying around.  For one household, this is a very big sum.  But divided among many, it can certainly be done!

It is my hope that through generous support, we can help the Wells make a significant dent in the total amount this Christmas season.  What a privilege for us to help the Wells family show N&K that they are worth so much more than the amount of money that it will take to them home.

In Matthew 25:40, Jesus says, "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."

So, how can I help you say?  There are a couple ways... 

If you feel compelled to make a tax-deductible contribution, simply contact me through this blog and I will give you all the information you need.  If you prefer, mail a check directly to:

Redline United
PO Box 31045
Raleigh, NC 27622-1045
(Checks made payable to Redline United with "N&K Adoption" in the memo line)

Also, a Credit Card donation can be done at the Redline United link on the top right hand side of this page.  After entering payment info, as you review the payment, click on "add special instructions" and specify "N&K adoption". 

A second way to help is to buy some beautifully painted Christmas gift bags made from other previous orphans from the same region.  It is so wonderful to see how much these kids LOVE to help others.  There is a set of girls from the Ukraine who have been spending long hours painting for this cause.  Recently, the Cline boys got in on the action as well.  Their 6 year old also wanted to donate the two five-dollar bills he received for his birthday!  What a huge blessing for these kids to understand the joy of helping others.  They have raised over $400 and that is not even the latest tally.

The Cline family, Wells family, or myself (Tiffany Davis) can get these bags to you.  A set of 5 gift bags is $20.  100% of the proceeds go to the adoption.

A Very Sincere Thanks to your consideration of this worthy cause! 

One last thing...  N&K will be getting more than a loving family, these two kittens are anxiously awaiting their arrival as well! N is going to just love them.